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諾麗果(Noni, Morinda citrifolia)長約12公分左右,綠中帶白,皮上有許多呈多邊形的構造。生長這種水果的植物位於海邊至海拔1,300英尺的森林。果實成熟時有肥皂泡沫味。

許多文獻古籍上,就記載著這種水果內服與外用的醫療用途,一直到二十世紀末才由西方國家,以科學方法印證其成效。 諾麗果的保健功能已被多種文獻、現代科學及現代醫學所證實,在現代醫學上可稱之為機能性食品。



產地: 南太平洋大溪地,印度,夏威夷,薩摩亞群島。台灣位於亞熱帶地區,適合生長諾麗果,有野生台灣種及引進外來種栽培。


1. 諾麗果含有proxeronine,可以被身體中的酵素 proxeroninase 轉變成 xeronine (賽洛寧) 。當身體的酵素、接受器,或有訊息傳導作用的蛋白質構造異常,xeronine(賽洛寧)可以與之作用,使之恢復成正常的結構,因此諾麗果汁有多重作用。

2. Xeronine 是讓蛋白質起作用基本需要的成份,如果沒有它,我們就無法生存,缺少Xeronine會導致許多疾病。相反地,增加身體裡Xeronine的含量,可幫助治癒多種常見的疾病,例如癌症、衰老、關節炎、高血壓及低血壓、消化不良。如果失調的原因是由於Xeronine的含量不足,大量輸入 proxeronine於體內,即可解決這個問題。



1. 抗細菌:諾麗果中acubin、L-asperulo-side和alizarin,有對抗綠膿桿菌、金黃色葡萄球菌、大腸桿菌、沙門氏菌和志賀菌的效果。

2. 抗病毒:從諾麗根分離出來的一種anthraquinone成分,可以抑制愛滋病毒,而且不會抑制被愛滋病毒感染的細胞生長。

3. 抗結核菌:從諾麗樹的葉子萃取的成分,可以像rifampicin一樣,有抗結核菌的效果。

4. 抗腫瘤:諾麗果汁在高濃度可以使癌細胞壞死,在低濃度時,可以使之凋亡。不過它似乎是經由提升免疫力來發揮抑制腫瘤的效果。當合併抗癌藥物使用 時,可以降低抗癌藥物的使用量,而得到同樣的效果,因此可以減低抗癌藥物的副作用。它也可以加強例如Taxol的治療效果。

5. 抗寄生蟲:諾麗葉子的酒精萃取物可以讓蛔蟲麻痺和死亡。

6. 止痛:諾麗果有止痛和鎮靜的效果,已經在白鼠和老鼠得到證明。

7. 降低血壓:諾麗根的萃取物有降低血壓,諾麗果汁有利尿的效果。

8. 增加免疫:服用諾麗果汁的動物胸腺會變大1.7倍,而胸腺是產生細胞的地方,而T細胞與老化以及免疫功能有密切的關係。

9. 增強高頻聽力:諾麗果汁可以在人類改善高頻的聽力。

10. 抗氧化:諾麗果汁有清除自由基的作用,可以減少四氯化碳對老鼠產生的肝毒性。

11. 抗發炎:諾麗果汁可以選擇性的抑制COX-2。

12. 預防動脈粥狀硬化:低密度脂蛋白的氧化是導致動脈粥狀硬化的重要步驟。諾麗果的萃取物可以抑制這種氧化現象。



Dr. Ralph Heinicke Xeronine and Cell Regeneration As a researcher in Hawaii, Dr. Ralph Heinicke became aware of the marvelous benefits of the noni Fruit and set out to find the pharmacologically active ingredient of the noni. Dr. Heinicke had spent over 45 years studying the effects of an alkaloid he discovered and named xeronine. Xeronine is a relatively small alkaloid which is physiologically very active and important for the proper function of all cells in the body. In his research, Dr. Heinicke discovered that the noni juice contains appreciable amounts of the precursor of xeronine that he named "pro-xeronine." Pro-xeronine releases pure xeronine in the intestines when it comes in contact with a particular enzyme also found in the noni juice. Dr. Heinicke's theory, is that when released, xeronine actually works at the molecular level to repair damaged cells. Dr. Heinicke states that the primary function of xeronine is to regulate the rigidity and shape of specific proteins. Since these proteins have different functions within the cells, this explains how the administration of noni juice causes an unbelievably wide range of physiological responses. "Some of the problems which drinking noni juice might favorably affect are: high blood pressure, menstrual cramps, arthritis, gastric ulcers, sprains, injuries, mental depression, senility, poor digestion, atherosclerosis, blood vessel problems, drug addiction, relief of pain, and many others. Although this list looks like a page torn out of a traveling medicine man's manual, it is probably conservative." --Dr. Heinicke

AntiCancer Activity of Morinda citrifolia on Intraperitoneally Implanted Lewis Lung Carcinoma in Syngenic Mice A. Hirazumi, E. Furusawa, S.C. Chou & Y. Hokama, Proc. West. Pharmacol. Soc. 37: 145-146 (1994) This is a very significant study by a team of researchers from the University of Hawaii led by Annie Hirazumi. Ms. Hirazumi became interested in the study of the noni fruit because of earlier experiences with its amazing qualities. Her father helped a good friend with the juice of the noni and later, Annie administered the pure noni juice to a pet dog who was dying. The dog recovered miraculously, and Annie set out to find out more about this incredible fruit. The study by Ms. Hirazumi and her colleagues was conducted on live laboratory mice (specifically C57BL6 mice) specifically identified as very receptive to injected Lewis Lung Carcinoma cells. The mice were injected with active Lewis Lung Carcinoma cells (LLC). Untreated, the mice died from 9-12 days after injection from the tumor growth. A portion of the injected mice were treated with noni juice in five separate daily treatments. The noni juice was shown to significantly increase the life span of the treated mice (from 105%-123%) with 9 of the 22 mice surviving for more than 50 days. The experiment was repeated on a different lot of mice with similar results. The Research Team concluded that the noni juice: "....seems to act indirectly by enhancing host immune system involving macrophages and/or lymphocytes."

Induction of Normal Phenotypes in RAS-transformed cells by Damnacanthal from Morinda citrifolia T. Hiramatsu, M. Imoto, T. Koyano, K. Umezawa Cancer Letters 73 (1993) 161-166 In this study, a team of Japanese researchers studied the effect of over 500 extracts from tropical plants on the K-ras-NRK cell (a precursor to certain types of cancer). The compound, damnacanthal, found in the Morinda citrifolia (noni), was found to be an inhibitor of Ras function. The research: Ras cells were seeded into 96 plates and incubated at 33 degrees Centigrade for 24 hours. The noni plant extract was added and the cell morphology was examined every day for 5 days. The Ras function was inhibited by the injected plant extract. This same compound has been found to inhibit the Epstein-Barr virus early-antigen activation.The extract from the Morinda citrifolia was found to be most effective in inhibiting Ras function among the 500 tested extracts.

Analgesic and Behavioral Effects of Morinda citrifolia C. Younos, A. Rolland, J. Fleurentin, M. Lanhers, R.Misslin, F. Mortier Planta Medica 56 (1990) 430-434 In this study, the team lead by French scientist Chafique Younos, tested the analgesic and sedative effects of extracts from the Morinda citrifolia Plant. They were aware of the traditional use of the plant as a general analgesic, and set out to determine if those claims were valid. The extract was shown to be non-toxic and did "show a significant, dose-related, central analgesic activity in the treated mice." This study included various experiments on the treated mice to determine the analgesic effect, if any, from the plant extracts of the Morinda citrifolia (noni). The conclusion of these researchers was that the extract did in fact demonstrate analgesic effects consistently in each experiment. The conclusion of this study included a simple statement from the authors: "These findings validate the traditional analgesic properties of this plant."

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